Community Action Team

Members of the Pickens County Sheriff's Office Community Action Team are responsible for supporting the efforts and initiatives of the CAT in addressing community needs and promoting positive change.

As members of the CAT, deputies collaborate with other team members to identify community issues, set goals, and implement action plans. The CAT works closely with the Special Operations Unit and the Investigations Unit of the Detective Division in cases where drug activity and theft patterns have been identified. The CAT supervisor analyzes crime trends and 911 call activity for the Sheriff's Office daily. Members of the Community Action Team are often called upon to assist the Special Operations Unit with coordinated investigations involving street-level drug sales, prostitution stings, gambling operations, and nuisance business complaints.

Functions of the Community Action Team include but are not limited to: 

1. Active participation: Deputies actively engage in CAT meetings, discussions, and activities. They contribute their ideas, insights, and expertise to the team's decision-making processes.

2. Community outreach: Deputies play a vital role in reaching out to community members, listening to their concerns, and gathering feedback. They help ensure that the voices of the community are heard and considered in the CAT's initiatives.

3. The main focus of the Pickens County Sheriff's Office CAT team is to eradicate community disorders or problems that have been identified through the following sources of information:

  • Citizen Complaints
  • Monthly Activity Reports
  • Crime Statistics compiled through Intelligence-Led Policing Initiatives
  • Information or leads fed from the Uniform Patrol or Detective Divisions
  • Directives from the Sheriff or his designee

Community Action Team Deputies play a crucial role in supporting the CAT's efforts to address community issues and promote positive change. Their active involvement and collaboration contribute to the success and impact of the Pickens County Sheriff's Office.  

Brandon Faris